Saturday, February 1, 2014

When it's cold in Louisiana...

I apologize for the small talk but, it's been cold these days in Louisiana, much colder than normal. This translate into: We had freezing temperatures for several hours in a row. WOW. Yes, just enough to create chaos. 


To bring things in perspective, let's point out that most of the locals I talk to have only seen snow maybe one or two times in their life. That kind of event is so unusual that there's no investment made to anticipate it... No salt truck + above ground water pipes that freeze in no time + many bridges everywhere since we are more or less in the middle of a giant swamp = full paralysis for three days of an entire city, even entire state. With less than a twentieth of an inch of ice on the ground (in the end we haven't even had real snow) freeways were closed, most workers were asked to stay home, and we've had around 200 car accidents in town in one morning for the unlucky people that decided to take a chance outside. Luckily, by now, most Louisiana people can say they've survived the "2014 snow storm". Yesterday things were back to normal. The thermometer still indicated 28 degrees in the early morning so we were still given a third day off, or "snow day" as they call it. You never know, no messing around! 

The good thing is, we had cheap beer!

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